Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is the quality of air that is within indoor environments such as residential properties, offices, schools, stores and/or other structures. This air quality is measured upon the pollutants that are within the indoor environment like allergens such as dirt, dust, pet dander and/or pollen. The IAQ is also measured upon other pollutants like pathogens such as viruses, mold and/or bacteria. With these pollutants circulating, the quality of indoor air is reduced. However, an air purifier can increase the indoor air quality, reducing pollutants within the air stream.
After researching many air purifiers, we recommend installing the iWave air purifier in your home and/or office. This device that can be installed in any air conditioning system and is an investment worth pursuing.
This device releases positive and negative ions into the air that will attach to pathogens and allergens. As a result, pathogens will lose its source of energy and die while allergens are absorbed in the system’s air filter.
Duct cleaning and air purifiers are a great compliment to each other. The duct cleaning process consists of physically removing dirt, allergens and pathogens that have accumulated in your home or office ducts over the years. However, installing the iWave purifier will constantly clean the air that is currently circulating within the air stream.
Call us today at 678-760-9538 for more information.